Rounding out SimpleSynth

As a bassist, I love SimpleSynth for simple lines. It’s very light and sometimes a sine wave is all you need. However, it’s not fully stable. When looping, e. g., SimpleSynth quite often turns itself off (the plugin light goes off). Also, a simple switch to change between wave types would improve SimpleSynth, I feel, without losing its “Simple” nature… 1 or 2 osc’s max…

Thanks for SimpleSynth. With a little further tweaking it would be even more useful :+1::+1:

As a linux newbee…

Between Simplesynth and, say, Calf’s monosynth lies a glorious pasture, where acoustic musicians are believed to graze like good sheep before their next joust (with self) at the local…

Merry happenings, everyone.

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