Reflection of selected midi notes

Hi all,

are there ways in Ardour to do a vertical and/or horizontal reflection around a chosen rotation axis of selected midi notes?

[Ardour 8.1 on Linux]

You can reverse a region through the right-click menu or with alt-4. Then you’d probalby have to move it to get the reflection point you want back in the place it was. Setting a sync position (through the right-click menu, or with ‘v’) could help there.

You can do a vertical reflection with a MIDI transform: set the note number to <2 times the note number you want to reflect around> minus <this note’s note number>. But if the note number you want to reflect around is more than 63 you’ll have to set the note number to <the note number you want to reflect around> plus <the note number you want to reflect around> minus <this note’s note number>, because you can’t enter a number higher than 127 for a note number. That will work for a whole region or for selected notes.

You can reverse selected notes within a region with a similar transform on position: set the note position to <2 times [a beat number]> - <this note’s position> - <this note’s length>. In the simplest case the beat number is bar number times beats per bar plus beat number of your desired reflection point.

After selecting a MIDI region, I click “Edit → Reverse” in the menu, but it has no effect.

Thanks, it would be interesting to automate this procedure in a single “Inversion” command.

(It would be interesting to group them in a dedicated menu applicable to a selection of MIDI notes, with the various operations such as retrograde, inversion, retrograde inversion, permutations, dilations, etc.)

[Ardour 8.1 on Linux]

Doesn’t work for me, either. That’s a bug. Already reported as a feature request, so it’s unclear whether the bug is that the menu item is visible or that it doesn’t work. (0007857: Flip/Reverse midi - MantisBT)

“Reverse” works well with audio. Perhaps it was designed for that purpose.