Quantize drum audio /again

Hi all.
I’ve been far from GNU audio news for some times. (just doing music!)
Today, someone ask me about 'quantize" for drum recording, and I don’t know what to answer. I know it’s a recurrent question.
Thanks. (links and tips are welcome!)

(1)For midi notes:

  • select the midi notes you want to quantize (you must be in ‘E’-mousemode);
  • right mouse button on anyone of the selected notes;
  • choose ‘Quantize…’;
  • select the duration (for example ‘Beats/4’) and press ‘Quantize’.

(2)For midi regions:

  • select the midi region you want to quantize (you must be in ‘G’-mousemode);
  • right mouse button on the selected region;
  • choose ’ “region name” >MIDI>Quantize…’;
  • select the duration (for example ‘Beats/4’) and press ‘Quantize’.

The difference between (1) and (2):
(1) - works for the selected notes only;
(2) - works for the hole region.

You can use the ‘Alt+5’ default shortcut.

(3)For audio regions:

  • sure you are in ‘G’-mousemode;
  • sure the ‘Snap/Grid Mode’ in the ‘Grid’-mode;
  • select the ‘Snap/Grid Units’ (for example ‘Beats/4’);
  • select the audio regions you want to quantize (grab them by mouse or select one by one holding the ‘Ctrl’ key);
  • right mouse button on anyone of the selected regions;
  • choose: Selected Regions>Position>Snap Position to Grid;

(3) - works for midi regions too.
Also you can choose audio and midi regions simultaneously and this will work

An illustration:

(?)Does anybody know the difference between two instances of ‘Quantize’ in the Keyboard Shortcuts:
