Problem with Ardour + Jack + Behringer mixer


I am having a difficulty with the combination Ardour + Jack + Behringer Xenyx 1204USB mixer:

Ardour is connected to jack, and in Qjackctl I have selected the “USB Audio Codec” option (which seems to me it must be the behringer mixer). However when I play a track (connected to one of system outs) I still hear the music from my laptop-speakers (and not from the loudspeaker connected to the mixer). Does any one have experience with such a setup, can any one help me with this issue?


The usual request is to run this script (with Ardour and jackd running as you intend to use) to display all the devices and the current settings:
cd /tmp && wget && bash ./

Copy and paste that command line into a terminal window, then copy and paste the output into a comment here.
Presumably that will show that jackd is using the internal audio interface and not the USB mixer as you intended. It may give a clue to the interface naming that would suggest selecting a different interface in the qjackctl setup.

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If your audio output is ending up at the wrong speakers, you could also try, within Ardour:

Window [main menu] > Audio Connections, and then, with “Busses” chosen on the vertical axis and “Hardware” on the horizontal axis, click the appropriate boxes.

If the OP is really using jackd then accessing a different interface is not possible through the Ardour audio connections window, jackd will have opened only one interface when it was started. If the internal speakers are available for routing then the Behringer interface will not be available.

It might be possible if the OP is confused about the audio server being used and pipewire-jack is actually in use and not jackd.

This is the output of the script:

Part I: ALSA
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version k6.2.0-1013-lowlatency.

Card 0 (Intel):
  * Playback Device 0 (CX20561 Analog):
    - Subdevice 0 (hw:Intel,0,0):
      used by: jackd (PID 26051)
      access: MMAP_INTERLEAVED
      format: S32_LE
      subformat: STD
      channels: 4
      rate: 48000 (48000/1)
      period_size: 512
      buffer_size: 1024

  * Playback Device 1 (CX20561 Digital):
    - Subdevice 0 (hw:Intel,1,0):

  * Recording Device 0 (CX20561 Analog):
    - Subdevice 0 (hw:Intel,0,0):
      used by: jackd (PID 26051)
      access: MMAP_INTERLEAVED
      format: S32_LE
      subformat: STD
      channels: 2
      rate: 48000 (48000/1)
      period_size: 512
      buffer_size: 1024

Card 1 (CODEC):
  * Playback Device 0 (USB Audio):
    - Subdevice 0 (hw:CODEC,0,0):

  * Recording Device 0 (USB Audio):
    - Subdevice 0 (hw:CODEC,0,0):

Part II: jack processes
   1511 ?        Ss     0:00 /bin/bash /usr/bin/autojack-start
   1550 ?        S      0:14 /usr/bin/python3 -u /usr/bin/autojack
  26051 ?        SLsl  12:44 /usr/bin/jackd -T -ndefault -dalsa -r48000 -p512 -n2 -Xseq -D -Chw:Intel -Phw:Intel
  43211 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/bin/jackdbus auto
  43273 ?        SLl    0:01 /usr/bin/qjackctl
Part III: jack-dbus config
--- status

It is strange, since I have selected exactly the Card 1 (CODEC) as shown here (there are two options with the name USB Audio CODEC, I have tried both). What is the closed part saying?

JACK has been told to use the builtin audio interface on your computer, not your USB audio device.

Perhaps jackd was already running when you started qjackctl.
You have to pick the interface you want on the setup page, hit the OK button to load those settings, then on the control interface you have to click the start button (looks like the typical “Play” icon on recorders, a right facing triangle).
This is what the control interface looks like when jackd is already running:

If you see that after you have selected your interface then jackd is already running, and you will have to hit the button with the red square to stop jackd and then start it again to use the new settings you selected.

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I had to kill the jack deamon manually, and restart after the mixer was connected.

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