I am writing here because I have a problem with a project made in Ardour 7.2.123, installed in av linux 21.2.1, in the new version of Ardor 8.10 that I recently downloaded for windows 11.
(I’ve installed Ardour in windows because the x-runs have gone crazy in my avlinux, and I can’t work on my projects. )
My English is very bad, I am using a translator… sorry…
I have not been able to find the solution to the problems I have.
When I open my project in ardour 8.10, it doesn’t find 4 .wav files. Well, I think I can solve this by importing them again.
The big problem is that the project has a time change: from 140 to 120 and then again to 140.
All time regions 120 are modified when I open the project in ardour 8.10 and some of them disappear.
I don’t know how to fix it…
I’m not sure if things are the same in Ardour but for Mixbus, its Windows version can only access audio files if they’re located within the session, whereas for the other platforms, audio files can be external to the session.
So my guess would be that the Linux session maybe accessed 4 x external files which Ardour (in Windows) won’t be able to find.
I’m guessing the time change issue might be a bug - so maybe one of the developers might help.
I’ve a (very vague) recollection that it might’ve been something to do with an incompability between symbolic links and Windows shortcuts but I can’t remember why that was an issue. It meant that when choosing a clip that was external to the session, the Windows version always needed to copy the audio into the session, rather than linking to it directly…
I have not yet noticed any incompatibility when exchanging archives that were created in Win10 or AV-MX-Linux with Mixbus or Ardour. Provided that an “.ardour-session-archive” was created in Ardour or Mixbus and used for import. Simply copying a project folder in Linux and then loading it into the DAW in Windows can cause this incompatibility. I haven’t tried that yet.
Finally, for the problem with time, I managed to export the entire tracks in .wav and placed them on the timeline. In the end it seems that I can manage it like this…
About the files that it does not find, the “strange” thing is that the files are in the folder where it says not to find them… interchange>audiofiles
And I can play them on any audio player…
Nor does it find them if I give it another route…
I have searched the original audio information and I have seen that the files that it does not find, were recorded without changing the default name of the track (system.capture_1, system.capture_2)… So the problem may be this… I don’t know…
I didn’t have time this week to make music until yesterday, but I was also able to verify that when you import a file, it is set to automatically copy it inside the session folders… (windows 11, ardour 8.10)
Since you’re talking about the file path, I wanted to ask if there is an option, once the project is open, to “tell” the particular region to search again. (Now I can only add a route when I open Ardour)
It’s been a loooong time since I last edited video, but I “remember” that when the routes were lost, I could tell each clip to go back to look for the fragment… I have searched Ardour, but I have not been able to find the option. It is an option?
Thanks a lot!!
(Sorry for my english, i’m using a translator…)
What filesystem are you on or have you transitioned through? Some filesystems will mangle case handling of file names in a way that doesn’t play well with Ardour, FAT32 and Google Drive or two I can think of for instance. I tell all my students to make sure to ZIP the session folder before transferring it for this reason.
FWIW I just tested this here (admittedly in Mixbus). I tested with Windows 10 and using a partition formatted as NTFS. But it made no difference here if an audio clip was called Car_Horn.wav or if I renamed it to car_horn.wav or even cAr_HoRn.WaV. Mixbus found it in all 3 cases.
Not sure if that advances us much but Mixbus (and presumably Ardour) don’t seem to be case-sensitive when finding clips on Windows.