Problem of loading of samples in Hydrogen

Has faced a problem - I can not load samples of instruments. In the editor of instruments, at loading or of a new layer I choose a sample of a necessary format (for example wav or flac), I press Open, the choice window is closed but the sample has not been loaded in the layer without any error messages.
More over in the choosing samples window the button “play sample” (more truly it even not displayed as button but rather as flat picture, and russian translated inscription “возпроизвести сэмпл” is not located in it entirely) does not work (it doesn’t play sample) and “size” and “sample frequency” are not displayed.
I suspect that these two last malfunctions are related to importing of samples. May be theese errors located is some library used by Hydrogen? I ask help and council from more experienced users and developers.

I even tried to load a sample from built-in drumkit - GMkit ( clap_Dry_c.flac).

P.S. OS: Ubuntu 9.04 - Jaunty.

Where do you post your ardour questions, on the Hydrogen Forums?

Running in console “hydrogen -V” has given the following bug message:

[ERROR] FilePreview File not found. filename = /home/freeman/?????????????/
[ERROR] FilePreview File not found. filename = /home/freeman/?????????????/
[ERROR] FilePreview File not found. filename = /home/freeman/?????????????/
[ERROR] FilePreview File not found. filename = /home/freeman/?????????????/GMkit/
[ERROR] FilePreview File not found. filename = /home/freeman/?????????????/GMkit/
[ERROR] FilePreview File not found. filename = /home/freeman/?????????????/GMkit/
[ERROR] FilePreview File not found. filename = /home/freeman/?????????????/GMkit/clap_Dry_c.flac
[ERROR] FilePreview File not found. filename = /home/freeman/?????????????/GMkit/clap_Dry_c.flac
[ERROR] FilePreview File not found. filename = /home/freeman/?????????????/GMkit/clap_Dry_c.flac
[ERROR] FilePreview File not found. filename = /home/freeman/?????????????/GMkit/clap_Dry_c.flac

as roaldz noted, the ardour forum is not really the place to ask hydrogen specific questions. go here:

good luck