Hi, I’m using ardour 6.5 and I can’t load this session, I get these errors.
Session “/media/cristian/KINGSTON/CorDeBou/Ardour/With new batteries/The end of the beginning (snapshot The end of the beginning)” did not load successfully:
Failed to load state
—ERROR: Could not understand session file /media/cristian/KINGSTON/CorDeBou/Ardour/With new batteries/The end of the beginning/The end of the beginning.ardour
ERROR: XML error: Premature end of data in tag Session line 2 in /media/cristian/KINGSTON/CorDeBou/Ardour/With new batteries/The end of the beginning/The end of the beginning.ardour at line 895:1
ERROR: XML error: Couldn’t find end of Start Tag Region line 891 in /media/cristian/KINGSTON/CorDeBou/Ardour/With new batteries/The end of the beginning/The end of the beginning.ardour at line 891:567
ERROR: XML error: attributes construct error in /media/cristian/KINGSTON/CorDeBou/Ardour/With new batteries/The end of the beginning/The end of the beginning.ardour at line 891:567
ERROR: XML error: Attribute fade-out-active redefined in /media/cristian/KINGSTON/CorDeBou/Ardour/With new batteries/The end of the beginning/The end of the beginning.ardour at line 867:1129
ERROR: XML error: Attribute fade-in-active redefined in /media/cristian/KINGSTON/CorDeBou/Ardour/With new batteries/The end of the beginning/The end of the beginning.ardour at line 867:1129
Can someone help me? Thank you very much