Pre-record for punch and roll?

I’m exploring setting up a punch and roll workflow in Ardour. It seems straightforward enough to do, but I was curious if there’s a pre-record capability for the punch in?

In case it’s not obvious what I mean, if I am narrating an audio book and make a mistake, it’s simple enough to set a punch range at the point where the mistake begins, as well as set a pre-roll playback to help me ensure my corrected version matches the cadence and tone of what I’ve just been recording. However, if I start a bit early in the correction, I may cut off a breath or, worse yet, clip the first word a bit. With one second (or even less) of “pre-record” before punch in, I will have enough additional audio before the start of the punch in to shift the correction further away and maintain the continuity of the sound.

Not currently possible other than to adjust the punch in a bit early. Might be worth a feature request on


Done! Thanks for the quick response!

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