PortAudio Backend is not for Linux

I know Ardour team do not provide support for building from source
But Google disappointing me to find way to resolve this error
I have successful experience of compiling Ardour for Linux (over 3 year)
Recently i try to build it for windows under Linux (Ubuntu)
But this error occur in compiling “PortAudio Backend is not for Linux”
After two day google - i cant find solution for resolve
then i decide ask about it in this forum maybe some one help me to resolve it
And show me a way that google could not show me in past two day

python3 waf configure --dist-target=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-windres --ptformat --with-backends=jack,portaudio,dummy --optimize --cxx11
Setting top to                           : /home/hussein/Downloads/Ardour-7.5.0 
Setting out to                           : /home/hussein/Downloads/Ardour-7.5.0/build 
Checking for 'gcc' (C compiler)          : /usr/bin/gcc 
Checking for 'g++' (C++ compiler)        : /usr/bin/g++ 

Global Configuration 
 * Install prefix                                    : /usr/local 
 * Debuggable build                                  : False 
 * Build documentation                               : False 

Ardour Configuration 
 * Will build against private GTK dependency stack   : no 
 * Will rely on libintl built into libc              : yes 
 * Will build against private Ardour dependency stack : no 
Checking for function 'dlopen' in dlfcn.h            : yes 
Checking for boost library >= 1.56                   : yes 
Checking for program 'pkg-config'                    : /usr/bin/pkg-config 
Checking for 'alsa'                                  : yes 
Checking for 'libpulse'                              : yes 
Checking for 'glib-2.0' >= 2.28                      : yes 
Checking for 'glib-2.0' >= 2.64                      : yes 
Checking for 'gthread-2.0' >= 2.2                    : yes 
Checking for 'glibmm-2.4' >= 2.32.0                  : yes 
Checking for 'sndfile' >= 1.0.18                     : yes 
Checking for 'giomm-2.4' >= 2.2                      : yes 
Checking for 'libcurl' >= 7.0.0                      : yes 
Checking for 'libarchive' >= 3.0.0                   : yes 
Checking for 'liblo' >= 0.26                         : yes 
Checking for 'taglib' >= 1.9                         : yes 
Checking for 'vamp-sdk' >= 2.1                       : yes 
Checking for 'vamp-hostsdk' >= 2.1                   : yes 
Checking for 'rubberband'                            : yes 
Checking for 'libusb-1.0' >= 1.0.16                  : yes 
Checking for rubberband >= 3.0.0                     : yes 
Checking for sndfile RF64=>RIFF support              : Found 
Checking for int128 support                          : lots of bits found. 
Checking for 'futex' syscall support                 : yes 
PortAudio Backend is not for Linux
(complete log in /home/hussein/Downloads/Ardour-7.5.0/build/config.log)

The portaudio backend is only available for the Windows version of Ardour.

On GNU/Linux Ardour can use ALSA, JACK/pipewire and pulseaudio.

You can also just run ./waf configure and available audio/midi backends will be auto-detected. The --with-backends= option is only used to require specific backends to be present.


I believe that is understood. This line was in the original post:

The build machine shows this configure command:
./waf configure --dist-target=mingw --ptformat --with-backends=jack,portaudio,dummy --optimize --cxx11

The configure command used by the OP had a different dist-target, but waf did not seem to complain about not recognizing the target:
waf configure --dist-target=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-windres --ptformat --with-backends=jack,portaudio,dummy --optimize --cxx11

On the Ardour build machine the first line after the waf command is “Target: 64bit Windows (x86_64).”
Does the lack of that output implicitly mean that the target is the native build machine environment?

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Thanks for the heads up. I looked at the forum category and short of the nonsensical dist-target, nothing in the log suggested cross compilation.

I’m sorry for the misleading information.

I copy this method of compile from here Ardour - Log file: build_log.txt
And i think my problem with portaudio in installing ?? or defining it directory for wafscrip make this error
Can you help me for setup portaudio properly

And also i see unknown linux name in windows ver build log
Linux rg42.org 4.9.0 #1 SMP Thu Dec 15 20:31:06 MSK 2022 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Can i question you about it ??
And can i access to copy of it just for compiling Ardour for windows ??

It is a cluster based virtual machine. The kernel is provided by the hosting company that runs the server. It is my private server that currently happens to also run some Ardour nightly builds.

The environment variable are not printed in the log. Please have a look at https://github.com/Ardour/ardour/blob/master/tools/x-win/compile.sh#L49-L64

if i build without portaudio backend
ardour can work in windows
have sound ??

Well, you could also use JACK on windows.
But there is no reason not to build the portaudio backend.

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