Plugin selection dialog, Side Chains?

Hello folks,

let me introduce myself with a few words as I’m new to this forum: I’m a student from southern Germany and I’m playing Bass in a blues combo. Furthermore I have strong interests in synthesizers. (I do own and play some, and I play piano as well.) I’m planning to do a bit more of that electronic stuff and currently I’m saving some money for a real sound card. Ardour is my recording software of choice, currently on Gentoo Linux.

OK now back on topic, the plugin selection dialog in my version of Ardour (Gentoo… sleepy folks, so this is version < 1) isn’t very nice to work with. My suggestions:

  • Option to filter away plugins that do not have the appropriate number of inputs/outputs to fit the required plugin slot
  • Name filter (as suggested here earlier)
  • List of personal favourites! (I'm using only a few of all those plugins I have regularly so I'd like to have them available quickly.)
  • Furthermore, what about some mechanism to use plugins with control inputs like the compressor
    with side chain. (SC2, I believe) … currently this seems unusable as the number of inputs doesn’t fit. Of course it needs some other input/channel in the side chain. There is also a vocoder that would required this. I don’t have a concrete idea on how to do present this in a nice way to the user but it would be a great feature.

    So these are a few suggestions.

    Thanks to all people involved in the development. Good job!


    Estudis Sapista

    Hi! good ideas for the plugins list.
    For the plugins chanels… no problem if a plugin have diferent number of chanels as your trak, simply create more trak chanels o leave trak chanels and you can connect without problems the plugin. But only one think, in example if you ad one chanel to a mono track for put it a setero compresor, only use one output of these trak for eatch input of the next bus (master) never two outputs connected to one input!!! but it works well one output connected two various inputs (digital sound don’t lose singal for these) :wink:

    If you setup side-chaining, for de-essing or music ducking or whatever… setting it up in Jack-Rack is easiest for me.

    Make sure (however) you start jack-rack with -c1
    “% jack-rack -c1” so it only has one-input and one-output… if you change the channels to one, jack leaves the other tracks there and it both confuses me and I think it confuses the plugins.

    I’v also modified the src so it defaults to one channel. (in the main.c I think it was).

    As for SC2 . it will have the standard input (in_1) and the 2nd input (“sc2_1-1_i1” or something similar).

    The in_1 is the trigger, and sc2_* is the actual input that is attenuated…

    It is backwards from what I would have thought and (although I haven’t tested it) I think that ALL plugins that have additional inputs might be “backwards” from what you expect.

    FYI (I can also take a screen shot and post it, but not to this forum to show a setup of SC2 with a notch filter)
