Can someone tell me why my playhead/notes are only able to move to these discrete positions?
When marking transients, or aligning certain midi notes/regions/etc, I need a more-smooth ability.
I’m thinking the solution here is probably super simple, -something obvious I’m just missing…
(I’m using Ardour 8,6,7 on Mac OS X 10.11.6)
I spent about 30min trying most everything I could think of, looking through preferences, etc…
I seriously don’t know why it’s happening.
I am able to “Nudge” the playhead forward or backward by whatever samples I set it to Nudge by, but when I then re-click on the playhead, it immediately springs-back to the nearest one of these discrete increments.
It doesn’t happen in older versions I have by the way (-I checked Ardour 6, for example).
Yes, for 8.6.7, on Mac OS X 10.11.
Soon I will probably upgrade my machine to the latest version of Ardour, and maybe like macOS 10.15 or something close to that. Hopefully this problem will go away then… But until then…