I’m having some trouble with pitch bend on a MIDI track. I can see the pitch bend data and change it. If I place the playhead (without playing) over an area of automation, the correct value appears in the slider on the left. But when I play the track, none of the changes in value are reflected on the slider or sent to the instrument plugin. The pitch bend data is for the right MIDI channel (or at least it says it is).
Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug I should report?
It sounds to me like you implied that you placed the play head somewhere in the middle of an automated pitch bend, saw the correct data for that moment in time, and then hit play. I’m a little rusty, but you may need to play from the beginning of the MIDI event in order for continuous MIDI data to work. In other words, your instrument should play whatever it gets an “event start” for. So playing a pitch bend in the middle wouldn’t work because the event start wasn’t sent.
That definitely crossed my mind, and I tried playing back from the beginning – the problem persisted. Oddly enough though, a week or so later I was in the session again and pitch bend randomly started working (and still is), so I guess this was just one of those things.
Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner; things have been pretty busy with working on finishing an album and all (which, incidentally, if you’re interested, just posted about here: https://community.ardour.org/node/15236).