Pb launching ardour under mandriva 2011-64bits

I’ve just installed the new mandriva 2011, get packages updates from main (& plf) installed ardour, jack …
I can launch Jack, but ardour doesn’t launch at all.
Is there any log on my computer to get more info ?
Is is a knowned bug ??

@seal20: for issues with distribution packages, you need to talk to the packagers for your distribution. Alternatively, you can install the binary bundle from http://ardour.org/download and we’ll be happy to provide support for that.

Ok Paul, thank you for your quick answer, I’ll check with them.

Well, I’ve installed the tarball, Ardour 3.0beta2, install ok.

Lauching ok, but impossible to read an imported file or reading file when well imported :
[INFO]: Loading menus from /opt/Ardour-3.0beta2_11213-dbg/etc/ardour.menus
[INFO]: Loaded mixer bindings from /opt/Ardour-3.0beta2_11213-dbg/etc/mixer.bindings
[ERROR]: JACK: Cannot use real-time scheduling (RR/55)(1: Opération non permise)
[ERROR]: JACK: JackClient::AcquireSelfRealTime error
[ERROR]: JACK: Cannot create thread res = 1
[ERROR]: JACK: Cannot create thread res = 1
[ERROR]: JACK: Cannot create thread res = 1
[ERROR]: Session: XMLNode describing a AudioRegion references an unknown source id =226
[ERROR]: Session: cannot create Region from XML description. Can not load state for region ‘bande_son_JPissenem_16_janv_2012’
[INFO]: Loading bindings from /opt/Ardour-3.0beta2_11213-dbg/etc/mnemonic-us.bindings
Loading history from /G/test2/test2.history

any idea ?
Best regards

seal20: i did not suggest that you try ardour3, which is unreleased and currently in beta testing. In particular, it is not currently able to load several ardour2 sessions. I meant for you to install the latest released version of Ardour which is 2.8.12 and is available from http://ardour.org/download If you’re going to try Ardour3 then for now it will need to be with new sessions, but I do not recommend this, since the program is changing daily as we fix bugs etc.

Ok Paul, thank you again for your answer.
I’ve removed V3 and dl some other