Paypal guest cancel

i subscribed using guest account before making paypal account, but when after creating paypal account with same email it didn’t showed in my paypal subscription status
while email is same but name is different as guest’s one so probably that might be issue
could it get cancelled? so i can subscribe again using account
or is there different solutions?

Send some identifying info about the subscription you wanted cancelled to and I can take care of it for you.

the email was
name was the hy j

2024년 12월 19일 (목) 오전 12:00, Paul Davis via Ardour Forum no-reply@ardour.org님이

Subscription cancelled.

thank you so much :slight_smile:

2024년 12월 19일 (목) 오전 12:35, Paul Davis via Ardour Forum no-reply@ardour.org님이

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