Optimal way to repeat a drum loop a fixed # of times?

Read manuals, watched YouTube videos, learned a lot - but not on this topic.

I could be an outlier in that I use Acid loops for drum tracks and SFX. Everything ELSE I need to so I have so far figured out on my own, byt it’s “whine for help” time on this one.

In my Windows DAW, I can load an ACID loop, repeat it 7 ties, then tack a break loop on th end. Easy peasy. I can’t seem to find the equivalent in Ardour, or even how to have a new clip snap to the end of the preceding one (which would also work for me).

Does anyone have recommendations, suggestions, RTFM manual sections, or tutorial videos that could help? Worst case I’ll load the bloody loops into a sampler and trigger via MIDI, but ugh seems inelegant.

Ardour 8.8 on Linux Mint 22 here.

Thanks in advance! Loving Ardou so far, re-soundtracking old silent movies is next on my list!

I have never used Acid Pro, but this might help:

Are you using Edit view or Cues trying to achieve this?

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