OpenVINO AI plugins for Ardour?

I just stumbled across this youtube video, showing how Audacity now can (amongst other things) transcribe audio locally on your computer thanks to an open source AI plugin.

Would it be possible to integrate these features to Ardour, too? I have no idea how to write plugins myself, but would be willing to put forth economic support to have these available as Ardour plugins.

How would you display the output of the transcription? The only way I can think is to use markers, but they’re really not very suitable for this purpose. Why not just use Audacity?

Have to admit I didn’t really think about how to display the output. Mostly, I would need a text file, so would be happy with some export options.

I think the noise reduction plugin would also be cool. I have used noise repellent with some success, but wouldn’t mind more plugins to choose from (also, noise repellent is currently not actively maintained).

I think noise repellent is better than the Audacity noise remover. But don’t use the latest version of Noise Repellent, it’s buggy, I think I’m using 1.2 or something like that.

Here is a proof of concept I did with stem separation in Ardour using demucs as the backend:

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