Hey, recently when I open up older projects, some wav track show as a blank track with the track’s colour but checkered.
These are tracks that were imported from say LMMS or Hydrogen. Tracks directly recorded in Ardour are unaffected. Any how this can be resolved?
Not sure if you’re seeing the same phenomenon but I recently used ‘Save As’ to create a new version of an existing project and chose to have all the Audio copied into the new arrangement, on the first opening of the newly saved project I also had a few regions that appeared as checkered and were empty, After an initial “Oh shit!” moment I closed and reopened the new arrangement and all of the Audio was there where I expected. Have you tried re-opening your project to see if the empty regions persist?
I encountered checkered tracks when Ardour was rereading the track and recreating the track waveform display (ie. recreating the *.peak file). I just had to wait until Ardour finished reading the input files. This happened when I copied a complete project to another disk (non-SSD) and opened it in Ardour in another operating system (ie. Windows 10 instead of my usual openSUSE Linux).
no that all failed for me guys. now the session won’t launch so removing the missing tracks from the .ardour session launched the session but of course without the tracks.
these sessions were not needed but I was just afraid that a needed session maybe affected.
Keep an older copy of Ardour around. Although we certainly aim for backwards compatibility, your best solution to opening old sessions is to keep around the version that was used to create them. Ardour bundles from ardour.org can all be installed in parallel so you can keep as many different versions as you wish. This is not true of packages obtained from Linux distributions.