Open region in Audacity

I was watching @DHealey video “Spectral editing in Audacity” and was thinking that it might be cool to be able to right-click on a region and select “Open region in Audacity”. Do-able with a lua script? Perhaps may not be able to embed it in Region pop-up. And then… what, replace the region, create a new region, what would work?

Having something in the config to specify one’s preferred Audacity location would be nice and flexible as well.


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Paul is saying that regions are not audio files. The same is true in Reaper but you can open the audio in an external audio editor though.

Yes, I saw that thread. I’m not going to get nit-picky about terminology when I think the intent of my question is obvious :slight_smile: But thanks!

It’s tricky because regions != files.

What I do is if I’m working on a region and discover an unwanted noise is I open the source audio file in Audacity and clean it up. However sometimes it’s a really large audio file and I would rather work on a small piece of audio, in that case I’ll bounce the region and open it in Audacity.

Maybe a right click on file in sources tab could work to open in an external editor?

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This could probably done with lua scripting though if it is a stereo track Ardour will usually create two separate audio files (left and right respectively). In theory you would have to open both files in Audacity and make the same edit to both files and save both files for it to work.

Just for shits and giggles I want to see if this doable in lua… stay tuned

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