Open licenses for drum sounds

Is there any open licenses for drum sounds, I wanted to create my own drum kit sounds thst I will process with fx etc but I don’t have my own drum kit myself to just record from, so I’m wondering if there are any sounds that I can use that are open licensed and can use for anything commercially not just included in a song production etc

should fit the bill. That samples a Creative Common BY-SA license (you can copy and redistribute the material, and remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially):

CC-BY-SA with the following exception:
The by-sa condition is imperative if you modify the samples
themselves or create new sample libraries with this licensed product.
However, produced music and other non-sample-library works can be licensed freely.

You could also start with synthesizing drums…

Thanks I was reading the fine print and it was saying that I needed to display any modification changes and also give end users the same license I was given. Not sure if this is suitable for selling custom processes drum kits I plan to do. Might be better to record my own drums as I’m looking for more freedoms and without terms or conditions so maybe I just need to record my own drum sounds