Not just music: theatrical reading made with Ardour

I know that it’s kinda simple work, but I’m pretty happy with the result so I wanted to share it with you guys.

Audio recording is made with a large diaphragm cardioid condenser mic located between the actors and the stand. The height is approximately around actors’ chest. Cleaned it up with a subtle expander (that day it was raining like hell and I had the rain noise spilling into the mic), low and high cut, added a very light ambience and slightly compressed at the end.
Music was kept into a decent range using a spectral compressor.

Any comment is appreciated! :slight_smile:

P.S.: I only took care of the audio part, Dario Pichini is the video maker.


Not to diminish your effort, but Italian, when spoken in such a way, always sounds beautiful! :smiley:

Well done.


I totally agree with you! I was lucky enough to work with these amazing actors and, as you know, from a sound engineer standing point, having a good audio source keeps you away from headaches… :blush: Italian to me is just… My language… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Subtle, intimate, beautiful. Excellent work.

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very beautiful sounds

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