"no usable MIDI data"

Importing midi drum patterns from groove monkee gives me:

WARNING]: Track 1 of /home/glynn/recording/GrooveMonkee/progressive/GM/4-4 Fills/100 4 Tom Fill 01.mid contained no usable MIDI data

in Ardour - log. The file drops into midi track but after selecting note level editing the notes have outline but void of the usual green color. I get sound from whatever I hook the track up to in Jack but can’t manipulate note data. The same whether I drag & drop from file manager or “insert existing media” via right-click menu. I’ve done this previously connected to Hydrogen with no problems but today I get this. Site search shows others getting this message in the past but I didn’t see any explanation or solution. I can also create another region right next to imported media, add and manipulate notes and they have normal color. I shut apps down and restart and problem persists. Stumped.

Is this reproducible using the same midi file every time? If so please create an issue in Mantis and attach the midi file along with the description of the issue to it so that it can be looked at.


I will repeat the process today and see if the problem persists. There is a series of the groove monkee files and the problem was with all I tried to import.


Yep if you have some files that always cause the problem, that would help in trying to find the cause certainly.


@seablade - I recently upgraded from AVLinux 6.01 to 6.02 and it just occurred to me this wasn’t a problem while I was doing the same thing on 6.01. I’m having some other issues since moving to 6.02 so I’m going to install 6.01 on an old laptop and make some comparisons before I post anything to Mantis.