I’m not sure if what I’m experiencing is a problem with Ardour or with FC9. It’s probably some of both.
Anyway, the newer Ardour looks excellent! I can see that it’s packed with lots of cool new features and tricks…
Here are the problems I’m encountering:
- Can’t use plugins. Enabling any LADSPA plugin (those are the only ones I use) results in crackles, pops, and x-runs. This happens even with conservative JACK settings (priority 0; 4096 frames/period; 3 per./buff.; 256 port maximum; 500 ms timeout)
When I run “free” it shows plenty of memory available, and my CPU is pretty potent so I can’t figure out what’s going on here at all.
Can’t seem to figure out how to delete ranges with any consistency. Used to select the range, hit the delete button, and voila.
Generally, x-runs. JACK’s not being very informative about why.
I love Ardour, but I need it to work. Should I forge on or deprecate?
Any help is appreciated.