New LV2 EQ Plugin avalible now!

linuxdsp: I can consider write my own FFT algorithm. I think that is good to minimize dependencies. But now FFT visualitzation for EQ10Q is only an idea, there are other priorities before the FFT visualitzation. I will contact you for your experience when I implement FFT feature.

About the GTK hosts: I don’t know, I used a library called lv2-C+±tools that take care about the GUI extension. But I think that EQ10Q must work into non-gtk hosts. If you find some case that EQ10Q GUI don’t works, please tell me.

I may be wrong - I haven’t looked at your code too much, but I have a feeling that it will only work with GTK host apps, this was one of the major ‘headaches’ for me when dealing with LV2 (That’s why I use the LV2 external_UI extension - which is designed to run the GUI in another process, although in reality I just use the functions the extension provides to enable the plugin to pass parameters back to the host, and I manage the GUI using XLib - while dealing with XEvents inside the plugin’s own GUI thread so that it doesn’t depend on the host running GTK or Qt or whatever…) that way I can avoid any IPC problems (at the expense of having to code my GUI in XLib) - but this works out well in other ways since it then has only XLib dependency and will port across to linux VST quite nicely) I’m currently testing some of my plugins in Qtractor (SVN trunk) so I’ll try your plugin and see what happens

still no luck here…

peder - nm /usr/lib/ | grep _ZTv0_n16_N6PlotMM4PlotD1Ev
0002ad60 T _ZTv0_n16_N6PlotMM4PlotD1Ev

this all looks ok…?

also tried recompiling several times and running ldconf, but i still get that tiny line, which when i resize is a empty window…

the plotmm is v0.1.2


nowhiskey -> noluck ? :smiley: just kidding, the ‘nm’ output is fine (no UNDEF string).
which system are you on ? which version of gtkmm are you using ?

hallo thorgal,


debian lenny,

perhaps i should update all that stuff to debian testing, but i do not dare for longer now, cause the machine is just running fine.


debian unstable has libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a@2.18.2-1

could be a too old version (2.12 vs 2.18)

well, i just updated gtkmm (and about 50 other libraries), than recompiled plotmm and the eq too, running ldconfig several times (after every installations instance) but obviousely still no luck…
still the same ‘undefined symbols…’ error…rrrr


p.s. yes, i also took the newest lv2-c+±tools-v1.0.3

can you post again the “undefined” error ?

of caurse, here it is:

Unable to open UI library /usr/local/lib/lv2/paramEQ-Rafols.lv2/ (/usr/local/lib/lv2/paramEQ-Rafols.lv2/ undefined symbol: _ZThn8_N6PlotMM4PlotD1Ev)

as i told, i get a tiny line, just few pixels wide and about a cm high which i am able to resize, but than it is only a empty window.
yes, ardour is 2.8.4


nowhiskey: Debian Lenny must works, I used it to develop EQ10Q. Is PlotMM installed with correct PREFIX? By default, most build systems uses /usr/local as PREFIX and this prefix can be a problem for a library in Debian. Try recompile and reinstall plotMM with prefix = /usr (somthings like ./configure PREFIX=/usr)

Just to let you know: I had no problems whatsoever with plotMM nor anything else under ubuntu karmic 32 bit, the plugin runs just fine in Ardour with no crashes so far…

@vervelover: Same here - I’m trying it on Ubuntu Karmic at the moment - had some trouble tracking down the liblv2-c+±tools initially, but then compiled them from source, built plotmm from source. (V0.1.2) - runs fine in Ardour 2.8.4 (the ardour_pro build). As I suspected, the GUI doesn’t show in non-GTK hosts - tried it in Qtractor (Qt based obviously) and I just get the ‘default’ GUI sliders and buttons etc.

sapista, i already installed plotMM in /usr as you mentioned befor in this thread:



nowhiskey: Are you recompiled EQ10Q afeter intall PlotMM?
Another thing, I found a problem with EQ10Q and Ardour font scaling. EQ10Q GUI don’t works properly if you have a scaling value different to 100%. Can be that?

yes, i did recompiled the eq several times and no, i do not use 100% but 70% of font scaling in ardour.
thanks to everyone for the time trying to help me get it running!


I’m confused. To discard problems test plotmm without EQ10Q.
In the source code of plotmm there is a directory named examples/simple
In this folder exist a simple test program for PlotMM library.
If is not still compiled do a make.
Then run it ./simple
If appears a windows with some curves, plotmm is working fine. Otherwise your problem is with plotmm installation.
Tell me what happens

Dude, just pull the equalizer widget from No need to use bloody 3rd party libraries noone else has :slight_smile:

@ nowhiskey:

Did you already run ldconfig after buildin+installing all the dependencies?

I also had the same problem, the eq showed on taskbar only, when I maximized the window it would only show an empty full screen window, try ldconfig after installing the dependencies and recompile the plugin.

i see this funny graph when running ./simple

joe, i really did exactly what you say several times, and even just now again…

but no sucsess.


Man, can you please add denormals handling to your amazing plugin? It’s causing me some trouble as explained here: