Need help for last single configuration issues on Jack-Ardour-VMPK-SimpleScreenRecorder quarted

I decided to use Jack +Ardour +VMPK +SimpleScreenRecorder togather for my goal.
And arrived a good point. My working config is as follows but one issue. If i set MIDI track(piyano) out → system playback or MIDI track out (piyano) → master in i hear the sound and everything works great!. BUT red “align” warning blinks and error log keeps warn as follows:

24-09-08T14:47:28 [WARNING]: Ambiguous latency for port ‘Master/audio_out 1’ (16, 1040)
2024-09-08T14:47:28 [WARNING]: Ambiguous latency for port ‘PIYANO/audio_out 1’ (16, 1040)
2024-09-08T14:47:28 [WARNING]: Ambiguous latency for port ‘PIYANO/audio_out 2’ (16, 1040)
2024-09-08T14:47:31 [WARNING]: Ambiguous latency for port ‘Master/audio_out 1’ (16, 1040)

Current Ardour config with no sound but sound indicators shows as it works in Ardour MIDI track and SimpleScreenRecorder’s preview screen; also VMPK keys are lighting as i play (as i mentioned above when i set some outputs everything works with ambigious latency warnings ) :

second config for piano input but i couldnt put the image here because of im a new user, but its simple , just MIDI keyboard (system(DONNER N25) ) → MIDI track in

This will be last step to a success config for me. :slight_smile:
EDIT: I unset the MIDI track output → simplescreenrecorder and
set master out → system playback sound is ok but simplescreen recorder doesnt hear the sound :frowning:

Thanks a lot

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