Nanokontrol 2 Control Surface

I bought a korg nanokontrol 2 usb control surface. I installed the korg usb-midi driver and mapping software. Windows and ardour list the device. Korg says to add the device as a mackie compliant controller. Which i did in Ardour. However do not have transport or any other control. Only the Set button does anything. Any advice welcome.

The NanoKontrol 2 can be started either in CC mode or in Mackie mode. Press Set and REW, then plug the usb cable to start it in Mackie mode, maybe that will work.
EDIT : just tried it, it works !

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Thanks for reporting. Yes, I found it listed under general midi devices. Track button presets don’t do much. I also hope to reassign one rotary pan control to main out slider for a live software mixer setup with an icon umix1008 soundcard.

I didn’t use Generic Midi, but Mackie, then selected the NanoKontrol as input and output. Pans behave a bit weirdly, but everything works.

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