Had a few questions if anyone is interested.
When you open up an instrument plugin that offers multi out channels Ardour shows a dialog box offering user the ability to fan out the outputs to separate tracks. This dialog contains a drop down that usually provides number of channels offered by the plugin as well as an option called “Automatic”.
If you choose Automatic it just provides a single track for that instrument. I was wondering if user changes their mind or just did not want to create those tracks yet, but later decides they want to, is there a way to get that dialog back to do so?
Does the “Automatic” option do/mean something else, or does it just provide a single track for that instrument as I mentioned above?
This dialog also as mentioned shows channel numbers offered by the plugin, for example some offer 24, 48, 96 tracks. If user did not want to create this many tracks but maybe they want to only create 6 or 8 tracks for that plugin, is there a way user can type in how many tracks to create instead?
Thank You