I’m facing problems with mouse coordinate when I use VST3 plugins.
In details, I’m using Ardour 8.10 (on Sid) with ez drummer from three years with yabridge 5.0.4 and standard wine from debian repo (not from winehq) and all works really well.
I’m not sure when, but a couple of months ago all was still working, but now I have this problem.
When I open the VST3 UI, the mouse pointer that plugin see has an offset, an offset that is equal to the position of the plugin window.
If I move the plugin window on top left, x-coordinate are okay (because window has a very little vertical border) and y-coordinate has an offset equal to the decoration window plus the ardour top container.
If I move the window on the screen the offset goes more big, depending on the plugin window position from top-left.
In that case, it’s very likely an issue with XWayland, likely sid broke another toy.
PS. If it works with Xorg but not XWayland (and/or it worked with XWayland in the past), your best way forward is to report a bug to debian or XWayland that window embedding no longer works correctly.
Are you using the WineHQ version of WINE? I also had this issue and using “regular” WINE (9.0) solved it for me (it works fine with yabridge).
[Edit]: I just read your post having fully woken up and see you already mentioned this. Anyway, using a different WINE version solved it for me so maybe worth exploring.