Most vsts do not show up

I sort of brought this up in a older post, but I’ve been having issues with most of my vsts that i use not being picked up by the program. Some of them do, like dragonfly reverb, but most do not. I have came across the “Blacklist” which i thought might have somthing to do with this, but clearing it did nothing. The file paths are in the right place and i know that these vsts work because i used them all in FL studio to great effect.
When scanning my plugins the status bar will even pause for a moment over my plugins name before moving on.
Could someone please give me a little help?

64 Bit or 32 Bit plugins? And 64 Bit or 32 Bit Ardour?

Enable Preferences > Plugins > VST > [x] Verbose Plugin Scan
Also Clear the cache and blacklist there, then Preferences > Plugins > Scan for Plugins.

After that look at the report in Ardour Menu > Window > Log. or copy/paste share the report here.

This is what i got

2020-07-13T13:04:25 [INFO]:  -> Cannot get Windows VST information, plugin ignored.
2020-07-13T13:04:25 [INFO]:  *  D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\Chorus-Distorque_Azurite\Azurite x64.dll - x64 (64-bit)
2020-07-13T13:04:26 [INFO]:  -> OK (VST Plugin "Azurite" was added).
2020-07-13T13:04:26 [INFO]:  *  D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\Chorus-Distorque_Azurite\Azurite.dll - i386 (32-bit)
2020-07-13T13:04:27 [INFO]:  -> Cannot get Windows VST information, plugin ignored.
2020-07-13T13:04:27 [INFO]:  *  D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\DragonflyReverb-Windows-64bit-v3.0.0\DragonflyEarlyReflections-vst.dll - x64 (64-bit)
2020-07-13T13:04:27 [INFO]:  -> OK (VST Plugin "Dragonfly Early Reflections" was added).
2020-07-13T13:04:28 [INFO]:  *  D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\DragonflyReverb-Windows-64bit-v3.0.0\DragonflyEarlyReflections.lv2\DragonflyEarlyReflections_dsp.dll - x64 (64-bit)
2020-07-13T13:04:28 [INFO]:  -> Cannot get Windows VST information, plugin ignored.
2020-07-13T13:04:28 [INFO]:  *  D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\DragonflyReverb-Windows-64bit-v3.0.0\DragonflyEarlyReflections.lv2\DragonflyEarlyReflections_ui.dll - x64 (64-bit)
2020-07-13T13:04:29 [INFO]:  -> Cannot get Windows VST information, plugin ignored.
2020-07-13T13:04:29 [INFO]:  *  D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\DragonflyReverb-Windows-64bit-v3.0.0\DragonflyHallReverb-vst.dll - x64 (64-bit)
2020-07-13T13:04:29 [INFO]:  -> OK (VST Plugin "Dragonfly Hall Reverb" was added).
2020-07-13T13:04:29 [INFO]:  *  D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\DragonflyReverb-Windows-64bit-v3.0.0\DragonflyHallReverb.lv2\DragonflyHallReverb_dsp.dll - x64 (64-bit)
2020-07-13T13:04:30 [INFO]:  -> Cannot get Windows VST information, plugin ignored.
2020-07-13T13:04:30 [INFO]:  *  D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\DragonflyReverb-Windows-64bit-v3.0.0\DragonflyHallReverb.lv2\DragonflyHallReverb_ui.dll - x64 (64-bit)
2020-07-13T13:04:30 [INFO]:  -> Cannot get Windows VST information, plugin ignored.
2020-07-13T13:04:30 [INFO]:  *  D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\DragonflyReverb-Windows-64bit-v3.0.0\DragonflyPlateReverb-vst.dll - x64 (64-bit)
2020-07-13T13:04:31 [INFO]:  -> OK (VST Plugin "Dragonfly Plate Reverb" was added).
2020-07-13T13:04:31 [INFO]:  *  D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\DragonflyReverb-Windows-64bit-v3.0.0\DragonflyPlateReverb.lv2\DragonflyPlateReverb_dsp.dll - x64 (64-bit)
2020-07-13T13:04:31 [INFO]:  -> Cannot get Windows VST information, plugin ignored.
2020-07-13T13:04:31 [INFO]:  *  D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\DragonflyReverb-Windows-64bit-v3.0.0\DragonflyPlateReverb.lv2\DragonflyPlateReverb_ui.dll - x64 (64-bit)
2020-07-13T13:04:32 [INFO]:  -> Cannot get Windows VST information, plugin ignored.
2020-07-13T13:04:32 [INFO]:  *  D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\DragonflyReverb-Windows-64bit-v3.0.0\DragonflyRoomReverb-vst.dll - x64 (64-bit)
2020-07-13T13:04:33 [INFO]:  -> OK (VST Plugin "Dragonfly Room Reverb" was added).
2020-07-13T13:04:33 [INFO]:  *  D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\DragonflyReverb-Windows-64bit-v3.0.0\DragonflyRoomReverb.lv2\DragonflyRoomReverb_dsp.dll - x64 (64-bit)
2020-07-13T13:04:33 [INFO]:  -> Cannot get Windows VST information, plugin ignored.
2020-07-13T13:04:33 [INFO]:  *  D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\DragonflyReverb-Windows-64bit-v3.0.0\DragonflyRoomReverb.lv2\DragonflyRoomReverb_ui.dll - x64 (64-bit)
2020-07-13T13:04:34 [INFO]:  -> Cannot get Windows VST information, plugin ignored.
2020-07-13T13:04:34 [INFO]:  *  D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\nrepel.lv2\nrepel.dll - x64 (64-bit)
2020-07-13T13:04:34 [INFO]:  -> Cannot get Windows VST information, plugin ignored.
2020-07-13T13:04:34 [INFO]: --- Windows VST plugins Scan Done
2020-07-13T13:04:34 [INFO]: VST Blacklist: C:\Users\Spenrad\AppData\Local\Ardour6\cache\vst64_blacklist.txt
D:\Music Production\Plugins\Instruments\Vst\Drums\DSK_DrumZ_8bitZ\DSK DrumZ - 8bitZ\DSK DrumZ - 8bitZ.dll
D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\Chorus-Distorque_Azurite\Azurite.dll
D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\DragonflyReverb-Windows-64bit-v3.0.0\DragonflyEarlyReflections.lv2\DragonflyEarlyReflections_dsp.dll
D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\DragonflyReverb-Windows-64bit-v3.0.0\DragonflyEarlyReflections.lv2\DragonflyEarlyReflections_ui.dll
D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\DragonflyReverb-Windows-64bit-v3.0.0\DragonflyHallReverb.lv2\DragonflyHallReverb_dsp.dll
D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\DragonflyReverb-Windows-64bit-v3.0.0\DragonflyHallReverb.lv2\DragonflyHallReverb_ui.dll
D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\DragonflyReverb-Windows-64bit-v3.0.0\DragonflyPlateReverb.lv2\DragonflyPlateReverb_dsp.dll
D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\DragonflyReverb-Windows-64bit-v3.0.0\DragonflyPlateReverb.lv2\DragonflyPlateReverb_ui.dll
D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\DragonflyReverb-Windows-64bit-v3.0.0\DragonflyRoomReverb.lv2\DragonflyRoomReverb_dsp.dll
D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\DragonflyReverb-Windows-64bit-v3.0.0\DragonflyRoomReverb.lv2\DragonflyRoomReverb_ui.dll
D:\Music Production\Plugins\Effects\Vst\nrepel.lv2\nrepel.dll

I am seeing a couple of things here but nothing unexpected I do not believe.

  1. It is ignoring the 32 bit plugins (64 Bit Ardour will only load 64 Bit Plugins). This is expected.

  2. You seem to have LV2 plugins in the VST path? Do you have your LV2 plugins pointed to the same location? Obviously the VST import is ignoring the LV2 plugins.


Can you provide a copy of the log where plugins that are not recognized are found more? This is primarily just Dragonfly which you mentioned is importing fine?


So the Dragonfly 64 bit VSTs are loaded fine, as is Azurite.

It seems that your other VSTs are installed in a different location.
Usually C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST – which is in Ardour’s default search location.

It’s odd that these plugins are on D:\... - Check Preferences > Plugins > VST > Path and make sure that the location of where your other VSTs are installed is included there.

I keep my instrument vsts and my effect vsts in different folders for organization purposes. i have tried moving them into the effects folder, but they still don’t pick up.

I do have the the file locations in ardour. i just have two seperate places scanning for plugins. its never been a problem elsewhere

also, i don’t know whats up with the lv2s. I just installed dragonfly reverb off of the website and assumed it was a vst because i’m on windows.

Okay, so i took a look at what @seablade was saying about the bitrates, and i was able to get another 64bit instrument to work. Is there any way to get 32bit stuff working on 64bit ardour?

No, at least not directly.

32bit Ardour loads 32bit VST. 64bit Ardour loads 64bit VSTs. – If the majority of your VSTs is 32bit, just install 32bit Ardour (also works fine on 64bit Windows).

There are some plugin bridges. e.g. – That tool can bridge CPU architectures, exposing 32bit plugin as 64bit ones. That is also what is recommend by Steinberg:

Just to be clear and pedantic (I am a teacher after all)… What I described was your processor word size, which is not the same as the bit rate (Usually associated with compressed audio) or bit depth (Which refers the the amount of data each sample has in the sampling process or in digital audio in general).

Processor word size is 100% independent of either of the other terms.


oh, hahaha. well you inadvertently solved the problem. I was trying to migrate my vsts from FL, which i only ever used the 32bit version because most vsts seem to be in 32bit than 64. All i need to do is just switch over to a 32bit version of Ardour.

@x42 It should be fine. all of my Vsts are 32bit, so i’ll just change over to a 32bit ardour. the only thing i got working was azurite and dragonfly, wich both have 32bit versions if im not mistaken.

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