August 12, 2017, 12:08am
Hello everybody!
Is there a way to adjust a key combination to switch on/off the monitor input button in selected track? (can’t find it in ‘Keyboard Shortcuts’)
(Paul Davis)
August 12, 2017, 1:26pm
There is no such command/shortcut.
December 1, 2022, 8:43pm
Hi, Paul!
Here I’ve made a trick!! (Now I’ve got the keyboard combination for Input Monitoring in Editor):
Hi! ))
My second micro-script:
2. Input Monitor Editor Strip [input_monitor_editor_strip_icon]
This lets the user activate/dis-activate Input Monitor in the mixer strip of the Editor Window by any assignable button - through the Ardour’s Keyboard Shortcuts (In the current Ardour’s stage (AFAIK) there’s the default " I " Shortcut that works only for Mixer Window)
Good mode to everybody!