Mixer online web

Hi, what solutions are there to be able to see the mixer on a browser? I saw the integrated websocket but it’s partial… I’d like to see the whole mixer

If by “the whole mixer” you mean “the mixer as drawn in the GUI for the main application of Ardour”, the answer is: that is not possible.

What are you trying to accomplish?

I would like to be able to manage the bus volumes including the various sends that I use to adjust the volumes of the instruments in the headphones, by activating the ardour websockets I only see the track and bus volumes

Everything in the mixer can be accessed via a websocket, but it is up to someone to create the web page to do so. That just requires relatively common web development skills (though not necessarily common among people using Ardour).

I can’t find the osc command to manage the sends in the various buses…do you know if it’s possible?

It is in the manual @ The Ardour Manual - Controlling Ardour with OSC

ok thanks I’m not good but I’ll try it with osc control I hope I understand how to do it

You’ve got a bunch of VBAP panners in those tracks. For most people, that’s useless. Just a heads up on that.

hi, I’m trying to recover the list of ssids but the /strip/list command doesn’t work and gives me: osc no such strip but where do I recover the ssid number of the various sends?

It is just a count. Either 0 or 1 is the first send.

I don’t beleive there’s a way to get the number of sends in a given track at this time.

hi I can control the volume of the master, tracks and bus via /master/gain and /strip/gain/ but the external send inside the bus I don’t understand if there is a command

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