midi remappping


Sorry for the noise, I remember Jack has been written by the same team as Ardour

Currently jack is mapping out port into in port for audio midi and alsa midi. The 2 windows (using the qt gui) displays lists of interfaces that can be expand or shrinked to display channels.

Could we have one more level in which each channel can be expanded to display the midi codes, and then allow remapping the codes?



Sorry for the noise in the forum

I forgot the midi is in the Alsa part of jack, that makes some choice in utilities

Perhaps because the jackaudio site “is being” my only portal to find jack applications




You are likely referring to QJackCtl which is a completely seperate project from either Ardour or Jack, you will need to talk to Rui elsewhere.


Sorry for the confusion, that was more easy to explain with the gui

First of all, new features have to be supported by jackd itself

I meaned rather than to connect
MyPreferedBox::channel_2 —> ardour::control

you write a big list like
MyPreferedBox::channel_2::99 —> ardour::control::23
MyPreferedBox::channel_2::88 —> ardour::control::84
MyPreferedBox::channel_2::83 —> ardour::control::76


That would best be handled by a completely separate program in all honesty IMO. That way as a seperate Jack Client it can remap easily, and Jack is focused primarily on it’s own purpose.


mididings can do stuff like this. its not something JACK would ever do. there are also some other ALSA-MIDI based MIDI mappers that could be used.

Hmm that (MidiDings) is an amazing looking little program, I need to take a closer look at it. Could be exceedingly flexible at first glance.
