Midi Keyboard on "Ardour 5.12.0" and "Disco Dingo 19.04"

Hi @ll,

i changed my Ubuntu Studio 18.04 “Bionic Beaver” with the “Disco Dingo” 19.04 Version. Now my Problem is to activate my Midi Keyboard “M-Audio Oxygen 25” with Ardour.

On “Bionic Beaver” it was doing well running with ardour on alsa by QjackCtl. I made the step to “Disco Dingo” because the Calf-Plugins did not work. Now these plugs are running stable, but i can not find my Midi Keyboard, by tryin QjackCtl, Calf Connector, Patchage or Carla. Ardour gives me no option except running on Jack. So, what is the matter please ?

Do i have to install an external audio interface ? What are the differences between running Adour with an external Midi Keyboard on “Bionic Beaver” and “Disco Dingo” ? Thanks a lot in advanced for hints ! :slight_smile:

Cheers :slight_smile:

Oops, sorry it was just the “a2jmidid” function in the ubuntu studio controls.
