Midi Channel change of some Events

I want to change the Midi channel in some Midi events I’ve recorded in a region.

Specifically, it is about using the midi data of the left hand to control the lower register of the Universal Audio plugin “Waterfall B3”.

So I want to select the relevant events (notes) and assign the Midi channel 2 to them afterwards. How do I do that?

Ich möchte in einigen Midi-Events, die ich in einer Region aufgezeichnet habe, den Midi-Kanal ändern.

Konkret geht es darum, mit den Midi-Daten der linken Hand das untere Register des Universal Audio Plugins “Waterfall B3” anzusteuern.

Also möchte ich die bereffenden Events (Noten) auswählen und ihnen nachträglich den Midi-Kanal 2 zuweisen. Wie mache ich das?

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In edit mode (press E) you can shift-click on a key on the small keyboard on the header, to select all corresponding notes in the region. Than you press C to assign a channel to the selected notes.

(I am commenting only because in the manual page linked above the shift-click is not mentioned, I think it is useful to know)


Thanks, @Piergi! I didn’t know that feature existed.

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