Midi Binding to start a cue with Oxygen Pro Mini touch a Pad

Hello All

I’m running Ardour 8.6.0 on Linux Manjaro with Alsa and my midi controller is Oxygen Pro Mini all works well and I’m very happy with it.

Now i like to find a way to start a Cue by touching a pad and as for that I modified the midi binding but it did not work, may be my liking knowledge about I searched also the web but I did not found something
will work.
Please could somebody give me an advice how to modify the minding code?

This is the code I added but not working

<Binding channel="1" note="28" action="Cues/trigger-cue-0"/>

This is the output if I press the pad

24816761          NoteOn chn  1 28 21
24819638         NoteOff chn  1 28 00

Thanks and Greetings


That looks correct and should work.

A few ideas:

  • Ardour’s MIDI tracer shows hexadecimal values by default. If the toggle “decimal” at the bottom was disabled, try <Binding channel="1" note="40" ... />.
  • velocity, here (0x21) could be too low. Some “toggles” require a value >= 64. – I’m not sure if that applies here, but try if things work if you hit the pad harder.
  • Are you certain that you have you loaded the modified .map?
    Perhaps change the name at the top <ArdourMIDIBindings name="..."> so you can easily distinguish your modified version.
  • Last try with action="Transport/Roll". Does playback start when you hit the MIDI pad (just in case cue playback has some issue)?

Hello Robin

Thank you for your fast reply I checked following

  1. Rename Midi Map File and selected it in generic midi → Start cue with pad touch did not work

  2. Add velocity and tried different values → Start cue with pad touch did not work

<Binding channel="1" note="28 67" action="Cues/trigger-cue-0"/>
  1. Used a code from forum → Start cue with pad touch did not work
<Binding channel="1" note="28 70" uri="/route/solo A1"/>
<Binding channel="1" note="28 70" action="Cues/trigger-cue-0"/>
  1. Used action=“Transport/Roll” → Not any action visible no start pf cue
<Binding channel="1" note="28 68" action="Transport/Roll"/>

If I use FN + F1 the cue is playing.

Thanks and Greetings


That is an incorrect note number description. Try the following (0x28 = 40 decimal):

<Binding channel="1" note="40" action="Transport/Roll"/>

If I hit the pad now then the transport is rolling

<Binding channel="1" note="40" action="Transport/Roll"/>

The transportz rolling starts but cue not played

Now I got all possible pads (16) signed to start cues so for different uses then the mapping file could changed acc. your needs.

Thank you very much Robin that’s is exactly what I looked for :+1:

only one question I have left what means 0x28 = 40 Dezimals :wink:

<!-- Lower Pads Bank 1 Pads 1-8--> 

<Binding channel="1" note="39" action="Cues/trigger-cue-3"/>
<Binding channel="1" note="38" action="Cues/trigger-cue-2"/>
<Binding channel="1" note="37" action="Cues/trigger-cue-1"/>
<Binding channel="1" note="36" action="Cues/trigger-cue-0"/>

<!-- Upper Pads Bank 1 Pads 1-8-->

<Binding channel="1" note="40" action="Cues/trigger-cue-4"/>
<Binding channel="1" note="41" action="Cues/trigger-cue-5"/>
<Binding channel="1" note="42" action="Cues/trigger-cue-6"/>
<Binding channel="1" note="43" action="Cues/trigger-cue-7"/>

<!-- Lower Pads Bank 2 Pads 9-16--> 

<Binding channel="1" note="44" action="Cues/trigger-cue-8"/>
<Binding channel="1" note="45" action="Cues/trigger-cue-9"/>
<Binding channel="1" note="46" action="Cues/trigger-cue-10"/>
<Binding channel="1" note="47" action="Cues/trigger-cue-11"/>

<!-- Upper Pads Bank 2 Pads 9-16-->

<Binding channel="1" note="48" action="Cues/trigger-cue-12"/>
<Binding channel="1" note="49" action="Cues/trigger-cue-13"/>
<Binding channel="1" note="50" action="Cues/trigger-cue-14"/>
<Binding channel="1" note="51" action="Cues/trigger-cue-15"/>

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Great. I’m glad you got it to work!

MIDI messages are commonly written in hexadecimal (base 16) notation. This is convenient for a variety of reasons (notably 16 MIDI channels).

To indicate that a number is hexadecimal, the common convention is to prefix it with “0x”.

The hexadecimal number 28 is the number 40 the decimal system. In short 0x28 = 40.

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Hi Robin

OKAY now I understand.

Thanks and Greetings


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