MIDI Binding Maps : how to configure plugins

I am looking to map my nektar impact 25 keyboard with the aim, among other things, of being able to adjust the open plugins with the 8 rotary potentiometers.
Is there a way to have a command line that allows you to control the parameters of a selected plugin? I read the Ardour manual but I didn’t find anything satisfactory to manage just a selected plugin

(translated with google from french)

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There is not, because Ardour does not have a concept of “the selected plugin” at present.

oh shame. thank you for your response. This could be a great additional option for future versions of ardour. very practical for mixing with a controller without the mouse.thank you for your work

While there is no concept of “selected plugin” in Ardour, controlling plugin parameters is possible, but you have to put your plugin in a predictable track and position in the chain.

In the Ardour’s manual in the The Ardour Manual - Generic MIDI Binding Maps section there are the necessary controls (/route/plugin/parameter). I used this control in an old mapping for the same MIDI controller you have and it worked at the time (about 3-4 years ago).

At the bottom of the page there is also an example:
If I remember correctly the following mapping will control with CC4 (ctl=4), in the first track of the current bank (B1), the first plugin (1) in the track, the first plugin’s parameter (1).
<Binding channel="1" ctl="4" uri="/route/plugin/parameter B1 1 1"/>

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