Master 2000 voice lines in the most timely way

Hi everyone! Just landed a gig to master about 2000 voice lines for a video game.
It’s nothing too fancy. It’s all the same VA, all done in 4 sessions, lines are clean.

Basically all I’m doing is some compression and light EQ, HPing at 100 to get rid of the un-needed stuff. Giving a little bit of coloration with a good sounding pre on the master bus and that’s it. Some of the tracks I do a bit of de-essing, or rework the envelope, but that’s odd cases.

Now I can totally do the job, but I’m wondering if my exporting method could use polish. AFAIK stem export with processing exports at the out of the given track, right?

My current workflow goes:
-set the time range to match the original sample
-copy the name of the track
-Solo the track
-Paste the name of the track for the name, I have everything else already set up

And I do this for every single track.

Can y’all think of a faster way? I’m gonna be working on this over the weekend, but if anything could make it faster I’d be a taker. At least so I don’t have to move the end marker everytime.

Thank you!

EDIT: I forgot to mention I solo the track

Are you using multiple tracks by choice/intention, or would you rather have them on a single track?

Either way I think what I would do (Going off memory for this so exact steps may be varied slightly sorry) would be to import all the original samples, put them sequenced on a single track, MMB Click+Drag to put them on seperate tracks as needed. Select All > Create Multiple Ranges from Regions, and then edit/modify as needed, and you can export ranges to multiple files in a single step. I used to do this when editing podcasts for a bit and it worked well when I needed it.

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Oh I like this! I didn’t know the create multiple ranges from regions function.
I was doing separate tracks because I would only have to adjust one marker of the session range.

You just saved me a bunch of time thank you!

Yea this was a workflow I used a lot when editing something down into multiple pieces, but I also used it a lot when developing SFX for various productions as well.


Maybe some of the Ardour Lua scripts here could be useful for your task?

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