Manual assignment instead of midi learn function?

Currently I have a controller sending data to MIDI CC 3. When opening that channel, I can see it reacting correctly, however, when attempting to assign this control to a plugin parameter with the midi learn feature it does not seem to work. The prompt shows up with ctrl+click and disappears when the control is moved, but it does not do anything more beyond that. Can I somehow manually map the CC channel to a parameter to ensure this is not a bug or is there no such function currently?

CC #3 is undefined in the MIDI 1.0 spec. That means trying to use it will lead to undefined behaviour :wink: Which is what you are experiencing.

Thanks for the tip! Upon further testing, seems to be the same no matter the CC assigned. I am finding now that very slow movements are picked up but if the control is moved rapidly it just missed any input entirely. Just on the MIDI learn track though, the direct midi channel reacts accurately. Everything looks accurate in the midi tracer too.

It actually works fine going to basic parameters (mod, pitch, etc) that do not need to be set manually, so I’m guessing this must be a discrepancy in how midi learn is bridging things.

On the preferences dialog for Generic MIDI there’s a knob to control “Smoothing” which affects how different the incoming “apparent” parameter value can be from the current value can be before we ignore it. There’s no single value that can ever work for this - it depends on your MIDI hardware (and to a limited degree, the nature of the parameter).

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