Lua parameter set to min max difference of 1

Couple of different items to share with this post, some may be viewed as bugs?
-If anyone can help with the Lua
-Or if someone can confirm that some of the items mentioned are bugs so I can report them

I was trying set a parameter to be an on/off switch in a Lua script that another user provided for me that handles MIDI CC parameters. I tried to achieve this using “toggled = true” to use a button/switch instead of a fader, but because MIDI CCs are 0-127 it does not appear that you can do this because the min 0 max 1 literally just applies 1 to the fader for (0-127)

params[4] = { ["type"] = "input", cc = 66, name = "CC 66", min = 0, max = 1, default = 0, toggled = true }

I then tried to mimic an on/off button using a fader by limiting the min / max to 63/64 because this is where it becomes a switch
params[3] = { ["type"] = "input", cc = 66, name = "CC 66", min = 63, max = 64, default = 63, integer = true }
The following items are where maybe they can be considered bugs, not a common action but still they are inconsistent with each other…

In generic GUI provided for Lua plugins when I use the fader I created mentioned above that only has two values 63/64, when you scroll with mouse wheel on the fader it does not just go from 63/64 there are some stops in between. Is there a way to set this so it will just scroll from 63 right to 64 with one scroll?
The possible bug here is, should there be stops in between where the fader scrolls to before getting to the end in this 1 unit difference knob?
-Cannot remember now but I think middle mouse button clicks in this fader bring the fader to that location (more about this below).

-I ask the above because when I create an Inline Control for this fader, when I use the mouse scroll in it, it does function the way I am looking for, mouse scroll goes from 63 right to 64 with one scroll. So these faders in this case are inconsistent with the faders used in the Lua plugin generic GUI
-In Incline Controls I also noticed in this case with this 1 unit difference fader, that middle mouse button click does not function as expected, bringing the fader to that location of the click. Instead the fader does not advance past about 25% from the beginning of the fader.

Again none of this is probably common use but there are some inconsistencies that may be viewed as bugs. If anyone can confirm and let me know if they would like me to report these as bugs, I will.

Thank You

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