Probably shouldn’t have tried this but tried connecting new bluetooth OneOdio headphones to see what would happen… Using Alsa… nothing. Thought no big deal I’ll just go back to my usual headphone connected. no joy. audio plays with pulse audio. in the project. I’m used to connecting with Alsa to get the options in the set up…Using a Scarlet to input 2 lines, keyboard and Mic. Not very familiar with pulse audio set up. Don’t see how to get the lines to hear the input…
Other projects continue to work as before. So something I did must have change the inputs when trying bluetooth. At the moment a bit lost.
ALSA does not support Bluetooth devices.
Does your distribution include the Pipewire audio server? That should support Bluetooth.
By usual headphone connected, do you mean connected to the headpphone output of the Scarlet?
PulseAudio backend does not support input. Because of that it is not recommended for most use. The original intended usecase was to easily check something in Ardour without also disconnecting your desktop audio applications, for example play a project in ardour and compare to something similar in YouTube or something else playing in your browser.
You can always go back to the beginning setup, meaning verify the correct device is selected in the audio setup window, with the correct sample rate, and then after starting the audio backend check the audio connections window to make sure the hardware inputs are connected to the tracks you want and the master bus output is connected to the hardware output channels you want.
Thanks for the info… I think it does support Pipewire so I might check that out. At the moment I’m just using what I’ve been using. Love Ardour for the things I record. Of course a learning curve, but have been using it for awhile now. This is good info and definitely adds to my learning. Thanks again… oops think I replied to the wrong message. copy pasting to the correct one.
Thanks for the info… I think it does support Pipewire so I might check that out. At the moment I’m just using what I’ve been using. Love Ardour for the things I record. Of course a learning curve, but have been using it for awhile now. This is good info and definitely adds to my learning.
Scarlet is connected to my piano keyboard(instrument) on one input and my mic on the other.
Again good info, thanks about Pulse Audio, makes sense
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