Locate VST-Plugins

Unfortunately I had to reinstall my system (ZorinOS → Ubuntu).

I simply took many plugins from the backup of my user folder and copied them to the appropriate locations in the new system, e.g.

Now I’m trying to tell Ardor how to find the plugin directories.
Unfortunately, it is not possible for me to select directories with dots, i.e. “invisible” directories; these are not displayed in Ardor.

What can I do?

I believe ~/.vst3 is a default path, so you shouldn’t have to worry about that.
To display hidden directories in the “Linux VST2 Path” search window you right-click in the file browser and select “Show hidden files”

No, it is not a default path. But right-click helped! THANKS

~/.vst3 is a default (and mandatory as per the specs, IIRC) path for VST3 plugins. From libs/ardour/plugin_manager.cc :
vst3_discover_from_path (“~/.vst3:/usr/local/lib/vst3:/usr/lib/vst3”

VST2 plugins don’t have mandatory locations so you may have to manually specify their location, unless they happen to already be in one of Ardour’s default ones.

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