Little bug with new snapshots

Threre are a little issue with versions of projects. I’m using Windows. Example:

  1. Record anything

  2. Save your project as example… Project_Original

  3. Edit something, example a fader or so then, close it

  4. Open it

  5. In your track set new values to your fader or something

  6. Create a new version with snapshot tool… Project_Original_V1

  7. Close it

  8. Open your new version

  9. Go to session and try to open original version

  10. It will appear an error like this

—ERROR: Could not understand session file
ERROR: XML error: failed to load external entity "[Route to Project_Original]
ERROR: XML error: Too many open files
ERROR: XML error: Too many open files

  1. Close Ardour
  2. Open your original version in initial menu
  3. You can open your original version properly.

Bug is when you try to switch beetwen snapshots.

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