Thank you for the wonderful software ardour. I just recently found about it.
Sorry for the noob question. i searched the forum. didn’t find any answer.
I have a launchkey 49 controller. I see that its keys can be mapped in ardour The Ardour Manual - Generic MIDI Binding Maps
but from Ardour preferences dialog under “Control Surfaces”, i don’t see Novation Launchkey 49. I only see novation launch control and launch pad. How do i select launchkey 49.
i do see “” under /usr/share/ardour8/midi_maps
But it is not showing up in the Control Surfaces
i set it to “Novation Launchkey 49”. But i notice that the volume does not change, if I move the volume fader on the keyboard. Do you know if there is a way to control instrument volume from the keyboard? Also if there is a way to change instrument using the keyboard, please let me know.
I found that my Novation LaunchKey 49 faders send signal 71 - 79
But the default map file had different values (41 - 49). I got them to work by updating the map file and restarting ardour
While updating my mk3 midi map, I was trying to figure out how to use Device select and lock and session mode in Ardour, but I think those are Ableton specific. Not sure if any action commands apply to those buttons. I might consider getting mk4 as it sounds like there is / will be integration with Ardour this time around.
By “Changing Instrument”, what i mean is, let us say i select “A Fluid Synth” in ardour and a sf2 soundfont. By default the first instrument in the sound font is selected.
Now, if i want to change the instrument in the sound font from the keyboard (without having to go to the softtware) is there a way?