Linux Ardour 8.7.0 | Segmentation fault after changing Buffer size to 128

Playing around to learn how to do MIDI drumming in Ardour 8.7.0 on a (8MB RAM, 4 x core processor) laptop running Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS.

It crashed with a “Segmentation fault”, after my tweaking of the Buffer size (to 128), while keeping the JACK Samplerate=48000 - done using the UbuntuStudio Audio Config tool.

Looking for ardour in the system logs, I’ve found the following excerpt:

2024-09-15T20:32:37.497350+02:00 kernel: ArdourGUI[
5445]: segfault at 0 ip 000076be5558afab sp 00007ffc687d15c8
error 4 in[76be55428000+188000] likely on CPU 2 (co
re 0, socket 0)

The aborted Ardour session had been started from the command line with no arguments.
No data has been lost or whatsoever, upon restarting Ardour.

I would guess that changing the buffer size using an outside application while Ardour was running likely caused the crash. I think you need to stop the audio engine in Ardour first, change the buffer size in Ubuntu Studio’s configuration menu, and then restart the engine. Someone should correct me if I am mistaken about this.

Does it work when you start Ardour with buffersizs 128?
Do you use actual JACK or Pipeewire’s JACK emulation?

Also for crashes we’d ideally get a backtrace (using a debug build - you can get one from demo is fine) - see also

Ubuntu studio 24.04.1 LTS and Ardour 8.7.0 no similar problem. So everything works as it should.

I think you’re right and it makes sense.

No, it is not crashing when I start from 128. Also tried various other buffer sizes (trying to avoid clipping), as the PC is not very powerful in terms of RAM.
I’m using the Ubuntu Studio Audio Configuration utility (PipeWire Quantum), which I understand is their PipeWire-JACK implementation.

Try starting in safe mode (plugins disabled) just in case.

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