Hi, im trying the change the black outline on the track range & the black area at the bottom of the timeline. Does anyone know where in the color options i can edit them? I cant seem to see what they would be named as.
Hi, the vertical line in the region you mark with an arrow is the time axis frame, I don’t remember what color the color of the lower area is linked to, can Paul or Robin tell you.
It seems an hardcoded color #333333
. Whatever theme you choose is always the same.
Thanks, ive edited that now
Ok, do you know where in the code (specific file) it might be?
No idea, I tried to do a brief search but didn’t find it. Hopefully some dev can clarify.
It’s another reason why I made a proposal for changing the colors assignment in Ardour color themes, but didn’t receive much attention until now.
No 1 to 1 relationship on what we see on screen and what we define in the color themes.
In Windows I don’t know exactly where the files are saved, since after writing I realized that it is the section for Windows.
In this link to the ardour manual there is some information–The Ardour Manual - Files and Directories Ardour Knows About
in linux
In Ubuntustudio the theme you modify is located in -->>/home/(youruser)/.config/ardour8/ , with a name similar to this ->>>my-dark-ardour-8.10.colors.
As you make changes I recommend saving it in a different folder and changing my-dark to whatever you want, and a version number, for example, so you don’t get confused.
If you want this file to be selectable in ardour, it must be copied to -->>/opt/Ardour-8.10.0/share/themes/.
Remember to change the line -->> Ardour theme-name=“dark” to Ardour theme-name=“the name you choose” in the file.
Once this is done, in the preferences in the colors section you can select your theme in addition to the ones that come by default in ardour.
If there is any error, the dreaded harlequin effect will appear.
You can solve this by selecting one of the themes that ardour includes by default.
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