Let's Never Meet

I’ve been making visual artwork for probably ten years and for the last year I’ve been getting into making music and soundtracks for my artwork. Here’s the video + soundtrack for a recent work, Let’s Never Meet.

It was inspired by the Android ringtone Rolling Fog. To make it I used x42 Step Sequence (8x8), Helm, drumkv1, Calf reverb, and samplv1.

I wanted to keep it a bit ambient as It was projected on the side of a building on a busy street. Didn’t want to annoy everyone! Here’s a picture of it installed https://www.instagram.com/p/B8tuy06lzhG/

It’s the second time I’ve made a soundtrack to my work and so there’s still plenty I’m learning, but I’m enjoying everything so far!



This is really cool! Would have liked to see the installation, good work on all of it!

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Hi @hellocatfood,

I like it. The video is cool and the music is nice and relaxing.

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I just published a blog post on the process of making the audio in Ardour https://www.hellocatfood.com/development-update-march-2020-part-1/

I’ve learned a lot since I wrote this (originally a month ago) but it was still interesting writing about the challenges I faced.