Launchpad Pro Mk3: help needed with MIDI-Settings

Hi Guys,

i recently got a Novation Launchpad Pro MK3 and now trying to figuring out the appropriate MIDI settings for getting Adour (8.6) in full communication with it, meaning especially to get the session mode working. Since i’m a beginner with the launchpad, any recommendations would be appreciated.

So far i found two places for settings:

  • preferences->control-surfaces, there i enabled “Novation Launchpad Pro”. Then i click on “Show Protocol Settings” and got two selectors, one for incoming and one for outgoing Midi. There i have several options, like for incoming and beginning with the term “Launchpad Pro MK3 LPProMk3-” and then MIDI(In), DIN(In), DAW(In) (and furthermore “Launchpad Pro Pads”) and the aequivalent for the outgoing MIDI selector as MIDI(out), DIN(out), DAW(out).

I tried some combinations whereby my guess is, that i probably can ignore the DIN-options, because the launchpad is connected to my Ardour-laptop via USB and not the DIN socket. Anyway, the best result i could achieve was that all control-buttons around the matrix were enlightened (including the “session” button) but the Novation Logo in the top right corner was fast blinking. When pressing a matrix button a tone occurs and the other modi like node, chord and sequencer seem to work … a bit … but i could not switch between different MIDI-Tracks in Ardour and the start and stop buttons are always on etc.

  • the second place is preferences->MIDI->MIDI-Port-Config.There all of the above mentioned three kinds of MIDI ports occur and i have a selection matrix with hooks and the options Music Data, Control Data, Follow Selection for the MIDI Inputs and Music Data, Control Data for the Outputs. Here i also tried some combinations, mostly without DIN, but also without success.

As a beginner i’m still not yet deep into the Launchpad concepts, so part of the problem could also be a misconception or doing or understanding something wrong with the Launchpad but it would at least help me a bit on that, if i could be sure to have the right settings of the MIDI port. So, if someone has it already successfully running i would be glad if you could tell me your settings.

Best regards, case06

PS: i made sure, that the Launchpad hardware is ok by installing the light version of ableton on windows and testing it, but my heart really belongs to ardour :slight_smile:

Ardour already has a full implentation for the Launchpad Pro Mk3. Ther eis no reason to make any connections, the surface module in Ardour does that automatically.

You need to read the Novation manual for the Launchpad. Our implementation tries to follow that as fully as possible. You will not be able to figure it out by tapping on pads, it is a complex and powerful device whose operation is non-obvious.

Hello Paul,

thanks for the fast response.

It might well be that the reason is my lack of understanding. I was already working so far with the Novation manual, which is unfortunately a bit ableton-centric, and when testing i got it running there and could produce a little song.

I’m confident to be able to repeat that also on Ardour and have the intuitive feeling that there is not too much what i am still doing wrong … that is why i wanted to make at first sure that my MIDI-settings are ok.

So i take it as that i should trust the default settings and try to solve my issues by getting deeper into the matter.

Its definitely great that you had implemented the Launchpad Pro (and before all that scene-stuff). Keep on with your good work :+1: and

best regards, case06

That said, only a couple of other people that I know of have tested our LP Pro support, so do keep me in the loop because some things may just be bugs.

I have the same model and I’m running 8.2 and there are a few things that I don’t think work. I’l l update to 8.6 and look forward to seeing if they now do.

I will report here when i got it running and how it works. Hopefully i can contribute some insights in a few typical beginner faults.

Hi Mrmjb,

good to hear that you already got it basically running, despite those few things. Your feedback is very welcome.

I also remember darkly that a few weeks ago i came already a bit further and was able to control some clips with the LpPro3. But that was late at night and i was tired and the next time i couldn’t reproduce it any more :face_with_raised_eyebrow:.

Best regards, case06

Folks in this thread seem to be ahead of me with getting the Launchpad Pro Mk3 working with Ardour.

I can get the pads to work to play a plugin and I can get the play and record buttons on the Lauchpad to control Ardour’s transport, but I can’t seem to get any control feedback from Ardour to the Launchpad. When I hit the play button it does not light up. None of the buttons on the Launchpad ever light up under control of Ardour.

The Ardour manual suggests that the Launchpad should be automatically detected as a control surface. I have not found that to be the case for me. I’m using Ardour 8.6.

What is the recommended MIDI setup for Ardour? I’ve tried several of the “MIDI System” options on the Audio/MIDI Setup dialog. With “(legacy) ALSA sequencer” I get complete names for the Launchpad MIDI devices (Launchpad Pro MK3 MIDI, Launchpad Pro MK3 DIN, Launchpad Pro MK3 DAW). With “ALSA (JACK2 (1.98 and later)” all three of the devices are called “Launchpad Pro MK3” which is slightly confusing.

Any suggestions for further debugging?

Various versions of ALSA have used different names for the ports on these devices. I have attempted to catch all the ones I know about. The ones you’ve listed do not fit the pattern.

What does this command say (run from a terminal window):

cat /proc/asound/version

$ cat /proc/asound/version
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version k6.1.0-25-amd64.

I just tried starting jack from qjackctl rather than letting Ardour start it and things seem to be working much better way. The transport buttons and several others are now lit up and it seems to be generally working.

Now, with JACK running as you normally do, run these two commands in a terminal window:

aplaymidi -l

$ aplaymidi -l
 Port    Client name                      Port name
 14:0    Midi Through                     Midi Through Port-0
 28:0    M4                               M4 MIDI 1
 32:0    Launchpad Pro MK3                Launchpad Pro MK3 LPProMK3 MIDI
 32:1    Launchpad Pro MK3                Launchpad Pro MK3 LPProMK3 DIN
 32:2    Launchpad Pro MK3                Launchpad Pro MK3 LPProMK3 DAW

I don’t seem to have jack_lsp installed. Let me see if I can find it. Thanks for the help, Paul!

Got it:

$ jack_lsp
ardour:MTC in
ardour:LTC in
ardour:MIDI Clock in
ardour:Click/audio_out 1
ardour:Click/audio_out 2
ardour:Master/audio_in 1
ardour:Master/audio_in 2
ardour:Master/audio_out 1
ardour:Master/audio_out 2
ardour:Monitor/audio_in 1
ardour:Monitor/audio_in 2
ardour:Monitor/audio_out 1
ardour:Monitor/audio_out 2
ardour:MMC in
ardour:MMC out
ardour:Scene in
ardour:Scene out
ardour:MTC out
ardour:MIDI Clock out
ardour:Cue Control in
ardour:auditioner/audio_out 1
ardour:auditioner/audio_out 2

Yeah, this is not going to work with JACK2, at least not automatically. There is no way to identify the LP from the port names.

Use the Ardour ALSA audio/MIDI backend.

Oh, for some reason that never occurred to me. The ALSA backend works great out of the box. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.