Landslide Fleetwood Mac, acoustic cover

Hi everybody,

Here is an acoustic cover of Landslide (Fleetwood Mac).
Here is the youtube link: Landslide Fleetwwood Mac

Everything is made with Ardour. Video Editing with Kdenlive (Ubuntu Studio)
Two Martin Guitars (a D42 and an Om John Mayer) and a female vocalist.

Martin John Mayer Om is recorded Mid/side with a Cascade ribbon Mic and a Neuman Km 184. Martin D 42 with a Km184 (fret 12) and a Tlm 103 (body). An Elysia compressor on take for vocals.
A reverb and an Eq.

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Thanks again to Ardour Team!


Beautiful cover as always

Kudos on the Mid/side recording ! I find it hard already with a single mic :sweat_smile:
The result is well worth the effort :+1:

Thanks a lot,
Yes we recorded only one guitar mid/side because we don’t have a second “Figure 8” mic…
This is the first time we do a mid side recording and it works pretty well…

Well done. I think it’s great. The recording sounds great, and the video is really well shot.
Top quality again!

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Hi, Thanks a lot for listening and watching !

The rendition lifted my mood, great vocals great guitar sound and a sweet sounding mix.

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Thanks a lot, we do our best to have a good acoustic sound for guitars…that’s not always easy…
Its easier for vocal take…
Maybe you have some music to share on youtube or another media ? If so can you share a link?