Keep my preset with zynaddsubfx

Hello, I have ardour 8.6.0 on my debian 11. When I send a musescore score in ardour and when I want play this with a zynaddsubfx sound , it works but when I record my work, close ardour and open again ardour, the zynadd’s sound I have chosen doesn’t run.

It’s different when I write a midi score directly in ardour . At this time my zynadd preset runs again.

On the picture the second line doesn’t work but the third yes. On the second line the sound appears but I can’t hear it.

Can you help me to keep my preset when I put it with a musescore score . Thanks !!!

zyn marche marche pas

Check the musescore documentation for how you insert a program change message at the beginning of the MIDI score.

Maybe I’m not clear . I have sent a musescore’s midi file to ardour and I would like to change the sound of this file with zynaddsub. It works until I close ardour. When I open Ardour again , the sound has disappeared. I got this problem with zynadd and hoshimy ( almost the same one)

Unless a plugin explicitly saves the chosen sound as part of the plugin state, when the session is opened again the plugin will use a default sound.
If you want a specific sound to be associated with a MIDI channel then you need to add a program change into the MIDI data so that it will set the synth plugin to the chosen sound.

I hope you mean ZynFusion (not ancient ZynAddSubFx).

ZynFusion has two means to change the sound:
It can happen using MIDI Program/Patch Change messages and/or the plugin’s internal state.

In some cases they can produce conflicting results. Usually Ardour first restores the plugin’s state and then replays any MIDI events, which can override or augment the plugin’s state.

Chances are the in your case some MIDI events from musescore cause issues with the latter. Right-click on Ardour’s MIDI track header, and disable “Restore Patch”. and see if that helps.

Hello Robin, I meant zynaddsubfx not zynfusion

I don’t understand what you mean

I did a little video to explain it . When I import the mid file I hear the sound but when I make it run with zynaddsubfx, I see the sound but I can’t hear it. On the second pist I can hear the zynaddsubfx I did with the events I created myself in ardour.

The video has no audio, it makes it very difficult to follow what you are trying to describe.