Install Ardour on a new good machine, what distro will you choose ?

Hi Folks,

am configuring a new machine for a friend, and Ardour3 will be the center of its use.

Just making music with that 686 pc, corei7, 8GRAM, and probably Maudiophile2496 or similar 2/2 audio-card. Only one HD, no fancy video card, surely an usb keyboard.

Question, and recommend pleased from you is : what Linux distro to install on it, since goal is :
s t a b i l i t y,
no need (will)) to update often,
just having a working DAW, with all LV2 plugins including some elements like DrumGizmo, LinuxSampler, Zyn or Yoshimi.

Speaking about A3, best choice seems to be the last official release ???

Thanks in advance, and happy holidays :slight_smile:

Oups !

Forget to mention the most important point, my friend is really not comfortable with english, so AV Linux is not a good choice (despite it’s one of the best audio-distro I’ve ever tried), since configure locales in french (which is the willing one) gives some bad surprises sometimes, as one can check in its forum…

There are problems to install KXStudio in french directly from the DVD.
French is well supported by Tango Studio, and is quite stable. But check their homepage to see if they have all the apps you need.

If you want stability i’d say you could install something like a Debian Wheezy with the desktop of your choice and KXStudio repos. Debian Jessie will become the new release in a few months and is now quite stable, but you can’t be sure there won’t be any “accident” in the meantime. Up to you to take this small risk.

Another possibility is something like Xubuntu 14.04 LTS for instance, still with KXStudio repos added.

Thanks for the quick answer youki, I will try Tango Studio, it’s probably the good one since the site could be turned in French, and install seems to be “plug & play”…

Happy holidays :slight_smile:

Bonne année :slight_smile:

J’ai travaillé avec TangoStudio par intermittence à la radio professionelle et il n’y avait guère de problèmes.
Si tu cherche encore un lien - voilà:
J’ai essayé cette méthode “à la sauce debian” et elle marchait très bien.
Je bien prefererais TangoStudio à UbuntuStudio car TS fonctionne mieux avec mes cartes son, JACK, Ardour 3 et Mackie MCU Pro (une surface de contrôle). Et il me semble que TS va bien même sur des vieux ordinateurs.

Il y a aussi un autre très très bien (et détaillé) lien francais concernant Linux et musique assistée par ordinateur:
Et voilà le lien concernant TS:

Bonne chance

… j’ai oublié répondre à ta question:
Oui, j’utiliserais toujours la plus nouvelle version d’ A3. Il me semble que 3.5.403 marche très bien. Déja 3.5.380 avait marché remarquablement mieux que ses précurseurs.
En pourtant j’ai gardé toujours les fichiers d’installation de toutes les versions anciennes - par mesure de précaution… :wink:

I had no issues installing KXstudio…

May you be more specific ? Do you mean installing directly in french from the DVD ? Because some people did have problems with this :