Import/export keyboard shortcuts?

Hi! Upgrading from Ardour 7 to 8.5 here, installation prompted if I wanted to copy config files already present from Ardour 7 and I assumed it included keyboard shortcuts : (
Can we do that manually? Iโ€™m running on Windows 10, but also would like to hear the linux path.


Hello again! new monday, new beginnings, any hints on this? : )

The answer is yes, but I donโ€™t remember the path to config files on Windows to be able to answer it there without being in front of a Windows machine atm.

Linux is something like ~/.config/ardour IIRC, but again I am not in front of a linux machine to confirm, so I am sure I will be corrected shortly:)

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I have found this post by Robin through google search:

Got an Ardour.keys file in (C:)>Program Files>Ardour7>share>ardour7

Copied that into the equivalent folder for Ardour 8 but nothing happens, I still get default shortcuts :confused:

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